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World Malaria Map

Malaria Threat Map Highlights Global Distribution of Cases

Mapping the Spread of Malaria

The Malaria Threats Map is an interactive data platform that provides a geographic overview of the status of the four biological threats to malaria control and elimination: Plasmodium falciparum resistance to artemisinin-based combination therapies (ACTs), Anopheles resistance to insecticides, Plasmodium vivax resistance to chloroquine, and the emergence of Plasmodium knowlesi. The map shows the number of new cases of malaria per 100,000 people across the world, with darker colors indicating higher incidences.

Understanding the Data

As the chart shows, malaria cases are most common in the central part of sub-Saharan Africa. This region accounts for approximately 90% of all malaria cases worldwide. Other areas with high incidences include parts of Southeast Asia, the Amazon Basin, and the Caribbean. The map also indicates that malaria transmission occurs in parts of Europe, the Middle East, and Central Asia, but the incidence rates in these regions are significantly lower.

The Malaria Threats Map is a valuable tool for researchers, policymakers, and public health officials. It provides a comprehensive overview of the global distribution of malaria and the threats to its control and elimination. This information can be used to target interventions and allocate resources to the areas where they are most needed.


