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Google Announces New Guidelines for Blogger Content


Google has recently announced a set of new guidelines for content posted on These guidelines are designed to ensure that content on Blogger is high-quality, accurate, and соответствует всем applicable laws and regulations. Bloggers who violate these guidelines may face penalties, including having their blogs removed from

The new guidelines cover a wide range of topics, including:

* Prohibited content: This includes content that is illegal, hateful, violent, sexually explicit, or that promotes terrorism. * Accuracy: Bloggers are responsible for ensuring that the content they post is accurate and truthful. * Copyright: Bloggers must not post content that infringes on the copyright of others. * Privacy: Bloggers must not post personal information about others without their consent. * Spam: Bloggers must not post spam or other unwanted content.

Google has also announced that it will be taking a more proactive approach to enforcing these guidelines. This means that bloggers should be careful to follow the guidelines, as they may face penalties if they do not.

How to Comply with the New Guidelines

Bloggers can comply with the new guidelines by following these tips:

* Review the guidelines carefully: Make sure you understand what is and is not allowed under the new guidelines. * Be accurate and truthful: Make sure the content you post is factual and accurate. * Respect copyright: Do not post content that infringes on the copyright of others. * Respect privacy: Do not post personal information about others without their consent. * Avoid spam: Do not post spam or other unwanted content.

By following these tips, bloggers can help ensure that their content is compliant with the new guidelines and that they avoid penalties.


The new guidelines for Blogger content are designed to ensure that content on Blogger is high-quality, accurate, and соответствует всем applicable laws and regulations. Bloggers who follow these guidelines can help ensure that their content is compliant and that they avoid penalties.
